Click here to view Professor Carel Le Roux’s presentation

Click here to view ‘Access to Obesity Services should be Rationed’Debate

Professor Carel le Roux graduated from medical school in Pretoria South Africa, completed his specialist training in metabolic medicine at St Bartholomew’s Hospitals and the Hammersmith Hospitals, his PhD at Imperial College London and was later promoted to Reader. He moved to University College Dublin for the Chair in Pathology and he is now the Co-Director of the Metabolic Medicine Group. He previously received a President of Ireland Young Researcher Award, Clinician Scientist Award from the National Institute Health Research in the UK, a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellowship for his work on how the gut talks to the brain.


Similarities & differences in upper gastro intestinal cancer and bariatric surgery: nutrition & metabolic implications.

Professor Carel le Roux, Diabetes Complications Research Centre, Conway Institute, University College Dublin.

Patient lose weight after curative upper gastro intestinal surgery for cancer as well as bariatric surgery. In the former the unintentional weight loss reduces quality of life, while in the latter the intentional weight loss improves quality of life. The gut adaptation after all these operations appear similar and it is not surprising that the visceral signals to the hypothalamic appetite centres result in the same reductions in hunger and enhancement of satiety. Understanding how the gut talks to the brain after these operations may help us attenuate unintentional weight loss while enhancing intentional weight loss.

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